Importance of SEO for eCommerce: 5 recommendations – TechBullion

Between the moment your store’s platform is launched and sales begin to occur consistently, there is a process that requires effort and perseverance.One of the most effective long-term strategies is search engine optimization, better known as SEO (search engine optimization ), within this process.After all, SEO is the process by which your store will organically …

How to write a blog post with optimal SEO – Tom's Guide

Tom’s Guide is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more By Kieron Moore 16 March 2021 Tips and tricks to move to the top of Google’s resultsAn enormous amount of content is published on the internet every day, so if you want …

Introducing The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship –

✔︎ Verified Contributor Hacker Noon's VP of Growth by day, VR Gamer and Anime Binger by nightHackerNoon wants to help remove the technology industry's barriers to entry. The university system is broken (in America it is at least). You pay tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars and spend years of your life to get …

Why Digital Marketing is Effective for Small Businesses –

Product and service reviews are conducted independently by our editorial team, but we sometimes make money when you click on links. Learn more.Digital marketing is the practice of reaching out to potential and current customers online. It includes all marketing efforts that are used to reach these people, including social media, email, Google ads, search …

The YouTubers who blew the whistle on an anti-vax plot – BBC News

By Charlie Haynes and Flora CarmichaelBBC TrendingA mysterious marketing agency secretly offered to pay social media stars to spread disinformation about Covid-19 vaccines. Their plan failed when the influencers went public about the attempt to recruit them."It started with an email" says Mirko Drotschmann, a German YouTuber and journalist.Mirko normally ignores offers from brands asking …

Overcoming Website Accessibility Roadblocks – Multichannel Merchant

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one billion people live with some form of disability, one in four adults in the United States alone. Even if you ignore the increased lawsuits, ignore the new ADA laws requiring website accessibility, and ignore the boost in traffic you’ll see, it’s important your company is …

Top Web Design and UI Trends for 2021 – Designmodo

DesignCarrie Cousins • January 14, 2021 • 10 minutes READ Jumpstart new projects and website redesigns with a few of the hottest elements in design for 2021. These trending styles are sure to help you create in a way that’ modern, fresh and perfect for the new year.Here’s the best part: Many of these design …